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Kevin T. Biddle ; Nicholas Christie-Blick | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1985Compte-rendu du symposium tenu en 1984 lors de la conférence de la Société et de l'association américaine des géologistes et du pétrole à San Antonio, Texas![]()
Daniel J. STANLEY ; George T. Moore | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1983The shelfbreak is that point where the first major change in gradient occurs on the outermost edge of the continental shelf. Although this environment delimits the boundary between two principal and well-defined provinces, the continental shelf [...]![]()
The voluminous amount of information presented in this Special Publication not only fills a gap in understanding the European approach to reef studies but also provides the necessary data base to allow us (in particular the North American geolog[...]![]()
Franck G. Ethridge ; Romeo M. Flores | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1981This volume is a collection of papers that resulted from a symposium on Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments which was held in Casper, Wyoming on June 3 to 7, 1979. The nineteen papers may be divided into: (1) a review of recen[...]![]()
DONALD H. Zenger ; John B. Dunham ; Raymond L. Ethington | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1980Despite intensive research over more than 200 years, the origin of dolomite, the mineral and the rock, remains subject to considerable controversy. This is partly because some of the chemical and/or hydrological conditions of dolomite formation [...]![]()
Larry J. DOYLE ; Orrin H. Pilkey | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1979Continental slopes are the edges of continental blocks, the zones of change from continental crust to oceanic crust. They are critical links in the chain of sedimentary processes that eventually carry sediment to the true ocean basin floor. Spur[...]![]()
It has become increasingly important to better understand deep marine environments and their transitions to shoal water settings. Of importance are the processes operating in deep-water settings and the magnitude and periodicity of these process[...]![]()
R. H. Jr Dott ; Robert H. Shaver | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1974Contents : Continental terraces and related cratonic accumulations. - Submarine canyon and fan deposits. - Deep-sea pelagic sediments and ophiolite assemblages. - Deposits in magmatic arc and trench systems. - Successor basin assemblages. - Prob[...]![]()
R. H. Jr Dott ; Robert H. Shaver | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1974Whether they formed under shallow or deep water, thick geosynclinal sediments were regarded until recently as essential precursors to mountains. Every orogenic belt presumably had evolved stage by stage from geosyncline to mountain, ultimately p[...]![]()
Segregation of Recent biotas into geographically restricted areas led, during the last hundred years, to investigation of factors that cause provincialism and the phenomena that restrict endemic species and evolutionary lineages to particular pr[...]![]()
Léo F. LAPORTE | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | SPECIAL PUBLICATION | 1974Cet ouvrage regroupe 7 articles concernant différents aspects de la formation et du développement des récifs. TABLE DES MATIERES 1.Geomorphology of Reef Complexes, A.L. Bloom 2.Reef Configurations : Cause and effect, E.G.Purdy 3.Fore-Reef Morph[...]