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Titre : | Modélisation 3D d'un paléoescarpement de faille du Quaternaire en milieu Bathyal |
Auteurs : | Justine BATISSE ; Justine BATISSE |
Type de document : | Mémoire d'initiation à la recherche |
Année de publication : | 2020 |
Concepts : |
Résumé : | This study is the continuity of the conservation of a unique geological area, situated in Calabria. These paleo escarpments corresponding to Quaternary geological faults, presenting bathyal organisms, are supposed to disappear due to the development of the closest commune. The issue was the protection and conservation of this geological heritage thanks to mixed reality. This specific area has been photographed from the ground but also by a drone. These images were used to generate a 3D model by photogrammetry using Agisoft Metashape software. This model was used in the development of a 3D application using Unity software. After exportation, it is now possible to visualize the geological area thanks to mixed reality, as holograms. These results contribute to this geological heritage safeguard and could be used in scientific mediation. |
Spécialité : | Géologie |
Numéro de promo : | 82 |
numéro MIR : | 871 |