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Titre : | Evolution cénozoïque des bassins sédimentaires de la mer Egée (Grèce) : Exemple du Domaine nord-égéen et du bassin de Samos-Kos |
Type de document : | Mémoire de fin d'études |
Année de publication : | 2012 |
Résumé : | The Aegean Sea has been in the center of many discussions since the last ten years. The particularly complex geodynamic combined to the huge size of the studied domain, more than 800 km long, raise a lot of questions about the opening of this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Jolivet et al. (2012) describe the Aegean as an open sky laboratory for the study of rock rheology and geodynamic. Recent studies shows oil seeps in the Northern part of the Aegean Sea, those hydrocarbon indicators might be the raison of a new time of oil and gas exploration in this area. The Prinos basin, in the North of the Aegean is well known by the petroleum industry for its oil and gas production fields. Prinos is the only basin in the Aegean Sea with a proven petroleum potential. The aim of this study conforms in the first step of the oil and gas exploration processes. We made a synthesis of works on different Aegean subjects, from geodynamics to sedimentology. The major goals of this synthesis are to highlight scientific and industrial points of interest on the Aegean domain. The second step of our work stands in the creation of a database containing seismic data from the research and the industry, but also maps and well data. Then the next step of this study resides in the interpretation of our database, we tried to find answers to questions highlighted in the bibliographic synthesis. In the last part of this study we present our results, which answered questions relatives to the Aegean Sea and we discussed the petroleum potential of the studied area. Within the framework of finding new exploration area for the petroleum industry we went to the Island of Samos in the Eastern part of the Cyclades to look for petroleum system element.s |
Spécialité : | Géologie |
Numéro de promo : | 72 |