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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 553.28 (9)

The book offers a modern, comprehensive, and holistic view of natural gas seepage, defined as the visible or invisible flow of gaseous hydrocarbons from subsurface sources to Earth's surface. Beginning with definitions, classifications fot onesh[...]![]()
ALEXANDRE Rojey ; SYLVIE Cornot-Gandolphe ; Jean-Marie Jost ; BERNARD DURAND ; Jean-Charles de Hemptinne | PARIS : TECHNIP | 2013Les atouts du gaz naturel sur le plan économique, sa souplesse d'utilisation, son caractère peu polluant ont assuré un développement rapide de cette source d'énergie. Parmi tous les combustibles fossiles, le gaz naturel est aussi celui qui émet [...]![]()
Understanding the origin and fate of hydrocarbons in the subsurface has been the major endeavor of organic geochemists during the second half of the XXth century. They succeeded to the point where the deciphered interplaying set of elements and [...]![]()
Carbonate reservoirs contain an increasingly important percentage of the world's hydrocarbon reserves. This volume presents key recent advances in carbonate exploration and reservoir analysis. As well as a comprehensive overview of the trends in[...]![]()
This book is a must have for any petroleum gescientist, be they geologist, geophysicist or petrophysicist. Is is clearly written, profusely illustrated, and achieves what its title suggests, i.e., it explains not just how logging tools work, but[...]![]()
Hate future for oil and natural gas ? Man has known oil and gas since time immemorial and their use was even recorded in the Old Testament. The inspiration for fire-worship, they were also put to more practical purposes, with oil being used both[...]![]()
Introduction; Acknowledgements; Part I. Fundamentals of Thrustbelts: 1. Introduction to the topic of thrustbelts; 2. Mechanics of thrust wedges; 3. Mechanics of thrust sheets; 4. Thin-skin thrustbelt structures; 5. Thick-skin thrustbelt structur[...]![]()
DIANA Morton-Thompson ; Arnold M. Woods | TULSA : AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS | AAPG, ISSN ISSN 0743-05 | 1992The Manual comprises ten parts that fall into four broad categories. The first group consists ofParts 1 and 2, which are related to activities that usually precede drilling or reservoirdevelopment. In Part 1, Land and Leasing, James Tinkler disc[...]