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L'hydrogéologie est l'étude des eaux souterraines. Il s'agit d'une discipline critique à l'heure où des inondations d'importance se multiplient à la surface du globe, et où l'estimation des ressources mondiales en eau devient un sujet non seulem[...]Livre
Dans la plupart des cas, les eaux souterraines n'entravent pas la construction des infrastructures. Dans une minorité de cas, elles posent de grandes difficultés. Dans un nombre restreint de cas, elles constituent le problème majeur. Celui qui r[...]Livre
This book presents an overview of techniques that are available to characterize sedimentary aquifers. Groundwater flow and solute transport are strongly affected by aquifer heterogeneity. Improved aquifer characterization can allow for a better [...]Livre
L'hydrogéologie, science de l'eau souterraine, a pour objectif de planifier au mieux l'exploitation des ressources en eau. Elle doit donc identifier des aquifères ou nappes d'eau souterraine, mais elle doit, surtout aujourd'hui, protéger et gére[...]Livre
Invisible dans sa majeure partie, l'eau souterraine se manifeste par des émérgences ordinaires (sources, puits) ou extraordinaires (geysers, explosions phréatiques, lacs souterrains...) qui permettent de connaître son fonctionnement : eau mouvan[...]Livre
Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models : data analysis and visualization covers conceptual site model development, spatial data analysis, and visual data presentation for hydrogeology and groundwater remediation.Livre
Groundwater is an essential natural resource. It is the main source of water supply for domectic consumption, agriculture, and industrial development in many parts of the world. Besides that it is of vital importance for securing biodiversity of[...]Livre
Peralta Richard C. ; Ineke M. Kalwij | LONDRES BOCA RATON NEW YORK : IWA Publishing CRC PRESS TAYLOR AND FRANCIS | 2012This how-to book presents a thorough introduction to groundwater systems analysis and appropriate simulation optimization (S/O) approaches for several types of groundwater problems. It covers optimization terminology, principles, and S/O computa[...]Livre
Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and p[...]Livre
The demand for water resources is increasing day by day due to ever increasing population, mostly from developing countries. This has resulted in abstracting more water from the subsurface stratum and forcing the water managers to manage the lim[...]Livre
This text features a comprehensive examination of water movement as well as the movement of various pollutants in the earth's subsurface. The authors also discuss the movement of fluids other than water in the subsurface such as oil, gasoline, a[...]Livre
Nitrates in Groundwater provides an overview of a wide spectrum of current studies of nitrates in groundwater. Although a number of papers dealing with nitrate pollution of groundwater have appeares in different conference proceedings over the l[...]Livre
Perfect for anyone interested in water quality, Nitrates in Groundwater is a thoroughly researched and well-organized book providing extensive coverage of all important aspects of nitrates in groundwater, ranging from prevention to problem asses[...]Livre
Cet ouvrage de 208 pages, abondamment illustré de 77 figures et cartes, est un des grands classiques sur les réserves d'eaux souterraines, leur circulation et leurs possibles utilisations et pollutions.