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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 551.3 (22)

MICHEL CAMPY, Auteur ; JEAN-JACQUES MACAIRE, Auteur ; Cécile Grosbois, Auteur | PARIS : DUNOD | SCIENCES SUP, ISSN 1636-2217 | 2013Cet ouvrage présente les différents cycles et les composantes interactives qui se déroulent à la surface des terres émergées. Dans cette nouvelle édition entièrement actualisée, l'ouvrage aborde les étapes à l'origine de l'élaboration de matière[...]![]()
Sur le terrain, le géologue doit décrypter le message laissé par les dépôts sédimentaires. Dans cet ouvrage, le processus de la sédimentation et les grandes étapes du cycle sédimentaire (altération, transport, mise en place des sédiments clastiq[...]![]()
This encyclopedia, which constitutes a wide ranging and authoritative collection of academic articles, covers the sedimentological aspects of sediments and sedimentary rocks.![]()
Cet ouvrage constitue une introduction détaillée à la géologie des bassins sédimentaires et à l'exploration pétrolière. Il présente successivement les mécanismes géodynamiques qui interfèrent sur notre planète, la formation et les principaux typ[...]![]()
Sedimentary Environments is one of the most distinguished and influential textbooks in the earth sciences published in the last 20 years. The first and second editions both won universal praise and became classic works in sedimentology. Since th[...]![]()
Franck G. Ethridge ; Romeo M. Flores | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1981This volume is a collection of papers that resulted from a symposium on Recent and Ancient Nonmarine Depositional Environments which was held in Casper, Wyoming on June 3 to 7, 1979. The nineteen papers may be divided into: (1) a review of recen[...]![]()
DONALD H. Zenger ; John B. Dunham ; Raymond L. Ethington | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1980Despite intensive research over more than 200 years, the origin of dolomite, the mineral and the rock, remains subject to considerable controversy. This is partly because some of the chemical and/or hydrological conditions of dolomite formation [...]![]()
This book has been written with the aim of compiling from modern environments information that can be useful in the reconstruction of ancient environments. It is intended for all those interested in recognizing depositional environments. The stu[...]![]()
R. H. Jr Dott ; Robert H. Shaver | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1974Whether they formed under shallow or deep water, thick geosynclinal sediments were regarded until recently as essential precursors to mountains. Every orogenic belt presumably had evolved stage by stage from geosyncline to mountain, ultimately p[...]![]()
Lee R. Jr High ; M. Dane Picard | AMSTERDAM : ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY | DEVELOPMENTS IN SEDIMENTOLOGY | 1973Chapter 1 : Introduction ; Chapter 2 : Erosional structures ; Chapter 3 : Structures formed during transportation and deposition ; Chapter 4 : Post-depositional structures ; Chapter 5 : Stratification ; Chapter 6 : Sedimentation units![]()
J. Keith Rigby ; W. Kenneth Hamblin | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1972The papers of this volume cover most of the major sedimentary environments and identify for each the criteria which permit its recognition. Such information is important, not only in interpretation of the stratigraphic record, but also in explor[...]![]()
James P. Morgan ; Robert H. Shaver | TULSA : SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC PALEONTOLOGISTS AND MINERALOGISTS | 1970The late Harold N. Fisk achieved wide recognition during the 1950's and 1960's as the leading authority on the geology of the lower Mississippi River and its delta. While Professor of Geology at Louisiana State University he also acted as a cons[...]