Documents disponibles (123)

"Veterinary Medicine is an ever-changing field. Standard safety, precautions must be followed, but as new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy may become necessary or appropriate. Readers [...]![]()
Les effets de l'alcool sur la santé font aujourd'hui encore l'objet d'une importante recherche. Les travaux nous apprennent que ces effets dépendent non seulement des niveaux de consommation, mais également de la susceptibilité du consommateur [...]![]()
SOMMAIRE: 1. Dietary and Hormonal Régulation of the Mammalian Fatty Acid Synthase Gene ............................. Kristin Morris, Yanxin Wang, Suyeon Kim and Naïma Moustaïd-Moussa 2. Nutrition and Adipocyte Gene Expression.. Ron F. Morris[...]![]()
Now in its third edition, Photosynthesis continues to provide the clearest possible introduction to this subject. Readers are updated on current understanding at the cell, organelle and molecular level and told how these determine the physiolo[...]![]()
Plant science has always been a fundamental area of biology, but the emphasis in the subject has changed radically in the last two decades with a plethora of new information, much of it deriving fromtechniques in molecular biology. This has deep[...]![]()
"For a long time, the importance of the intestinal flora on the entire human organism, and its role as an important causative factor in the development of gastrointestinal disease, was not not recognized at all or only insufficiently."![]()
Total Nutrition is the strategic use of a wide variety of disease avoidance and health maintenance measures which will contribute to an improved and more acceptable system of animal production, without the use of antibiotics. This volume conside[...]![]()
La «Nutrition clinique» est une médecine moderne, c'est-à-dire essentiellement intégrative. Il ne peut en être autrement pour une disciplinequi s'intéresse à l'Homme dans sa triple dimension biologique, psychologique et sociale. L'acte alimentai[...]![]()
La réussite d'un pari pédagogique : cet atlas de poche couvre en 400 pages et 185 planches couleurs toute ce qu'un étudiant doit savoir en physiopathologie et enseigne en images et de façon particulièrement attrayante les principes de base de la[...]![]()
I Foundations of Biochemistry 1 1 The Molecular Logic of Life 3 2 Cells 20 3 Biomolecules 53 4 Water 82 II Structure and Catalysis 113 5 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 115 6 The Three-Dimensional Structure of Pro[...]![]()
A thorough understanding of the mechanisms of photosynthesis, regulation of structure and function and the adaptive strategies of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms is central to any effort directed at improvi ng crop productivity and providing s[...]![]()
This book is a practical guide to maintaining and improving the health of dairy cattle from birth until they leave the herd. It provides an understanding of lactation physiology, and discusses methods to reduce disease levels in the herd. Facto[...]![]()
L'évaluation et le contrôle des risques pour la santé des divers toxiques industriels ont connu, ces dernières années, des avancées notables. C'est à la lumière de ces nouvelles connaissances que cet ouvrage présente l'ensemble des aspects toxi[...]![]()
La bactériologie s'inscrit plus que jamais au cur-de plusieurs disciplines. Pour tous les étudiants qui abordent ces divers domaines (biologie, biotechnologie, médecine humaine et vétérinaire, écologie, agronomie, santé publique, industrie ag[...]