Documents disponibles (37)

L'association constitue une interface d'information entre la filière céréalière et la société; sa mission est de faire connaître au grand public les céréales, les produits qui en sont issus, et le travail quotidien d'hommes et de femmes passionn[...]![]()
HERVE THIS, Auteur |On parle beaucoup de gluten dans les médias mais savons-nous réellement de quoi il s'agit ? Souvent confondu avec l'amidon, le gluten est en fait constitué de protéines. Penchons-nous sur ces dernières afin d'en découvrir les propriétés chimique[...]![]()
Jean-Luc PELLETIER, Auteur |"Les ingrédients amidonniers répondent aujourd'hui aux attentes des consommateurs envers une alimentation plus végétale et l'usage de produits non alimentaires biosourcés. Ces fabrications, très techniques, sont issues d'une longue tradition de [...]![]()
LILLE : TEREOS 2010![]()
MARIANNE SINDIC ; CARINE MASSAUX ; ANNE-MICHELLE PARIDAENS | GEMBLOUX : LES PRESSES AGRONOMIQUES DE GEMBLOUX | 2009Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Unité de Technologie des Industries agro-alimentaires et Unité de Phytotechnie des Régions tempérées) et le Centre Wallon de Recherches agronomiques (Département Valorisation des Productions agricoles) ont uni leurs compé[...]![]()
"Grains are the staff of life. Mindful of this, it is impossible to contemplate a world devoid of grain. The efficient production and processing of grain are critical activities that are sustained by science. Indeed, it has been said that effici[...]![]()
Cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes are a growing problem for the developed world, putting an ever greater strain on heatthcare systems. Edited by a leading authority, this important collection reviews the role of functional foods in hel[...]![]()
Forming the bedrock of modern applications of food analysis, the third volume of the Handbook of Food Analysis, Second Edition explores usage and results with chemometrics, differential scanning calorimetry, chromatographic and electrophoretic t[...]![]()
Volume 1 of the Handbook of Food Analysis, Second Edition evaluates current methods of measuring optical properties and other physical characteristics of food and of tracing moisture and ash content and nutrient analytes ranging from peptides, p[...]![]()
Thoroughly updated to accommodate recent research and state-of-the-art technologies impacting the field. Volume 2 compiles modern methods for the detection of residues in foods from pesticides, herbicides, antibacterials, food packaging, and oth[...]![]()
Starch is both a major component of plants foods and an important ingredient for the food industry. Starch in food reviews starch structure and functionality and the growing range of starch ingredients used to improve the nutritional and sensor[...]![]()
Texture is one of the most important attributes used by consumers to assess food quality. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, this authoritative book summarises the wealth of recent research on what influences t[...]![]()
There has been a wealth of recent research on the complex changes involved in bread making and how they influence the many traits consumers use to define quality. Bread making: Improving quality sums up this key research and what it means for im[...]![]()
Texture is one of the most important attributes used by consumers to assess food quality. This quality is particularly important for the growing number of semi-solid foods from sauces and dressings to yoghurt, spreads and ice cream. With its dis[...]