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JORGE WELTI-CHANES ; GUSTAVO V. BARBOSA-CANOVAS ; JOSE MIGUEL AGUILERA | NEW-YORK : CRC PRESS | 2002Engineering and Food for the 21 Century presents important reviews and up-to-date discussions of major topics relating to engineering and food. Internationally renowned contributors discuss a broad base of food engineering and related subjects[...]![]()
Building upon the success of the bestselling first volume. Functional Foods: Biochemical and Processing Aspects, Volume 2 explores new sources of nutraceutical and functional food ingredients and addresses crucial issues for product development [...]![]()
Hanbook of Vegetable oils and fats, their raw materials and treatment, together with the basic principles of the chemistry of fats and their use in confectionery, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.![]()
This reference discusses the latest technologies and current research on the engineering, synthesis, utilization, and control of primary and secondary plant metabolites such as carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, polymers, proteins, and phytoche[...]![]()
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the physiological effects of foods and food components capable of promoting good health and preventing or alleviating diseases. Our objective was to assemble in one volume the large amount of info[...]![]()
SOMMAIRE: 1.Espèces végétales et compositions en acides gras. 2.Acides gras et principales sources. 3.Index 1: Liste alphabétique des familles et des espèces. 4.Index 2 : Liste alphabétique des auteurs et références bibliographiques.