Titre : | Royal society open science, vol. 10, n°11 |
Type de document : | Bulletin : Revue |
Paru le : | 14/11/2023 |
Année de publication : | 2023 |
Langues: | Français |
Note de contenu : |
*Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology
Neo-functionalization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a novel Nrg1-Rtg3 chimeric transcriptional modulator is essential to maintain mitochondrial DNA integrity *Chemistry Review: chitosan-based biopolymers for anion-exchange membrane fuel cell application Interaction of gallium, indium and vanadyl diacetylcurcumin complexes with lysozyme: mechanistic aspects and evaluation of antiamyloidogenic activity *Ecology, conservation and global change biology Proteomic differences in seminal fluid of social insects whose sperm differ in heat tolerance Detection of antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacterales in insectivorous bats from Chile Can fish species co-occurrence patterns be predicted by their trait dissimilarities? Botanical memory: five centuries of floristic changes revealed by a Renaissance herbarium (Ulisse Aldrovandi, 1551–1586) *Mathematics Insights into drivers of mobility and cultural dynamics of African hunter–gatherers over the past 120 000 years Space and time on the membrane: modelling Type VI secretion system dynamics as a state-dependent random walk *Organismal and evolutionary biology Intraspecific interference retards growth and development of cane toad tadpoles, but those effects disappear by the time of metamorphosis Accelerometer-based predictions of behaviour elucidate factors affecting the daily activity patterns of spotted hyenas Skewed performance distributions as evidence of motor constraint in sports and animal displays Long-term female bias in sex ratios across life stages of Harpy Eagle, a large raptor exhibiting reverse sexual size dimorphism *Physics and biophysics Dynamical methods for target control of biological networks |