Titre : | Royal society open science, vol. 10, n°6 |
Type de document : | Bulletin : Revue |
Paru le : | 12/07/2023 |
Année de publication : | 2023 |
Langues: | Français |
Note de contenu : |
Photoelectrochemical performance of BiOI/TiO2 nanotube arrays (TNAs) p-n heterojunction synthesized by SILAR-ultrasonication-assisted methods Phases evolution and photocatalytic activity of Cu2O films electrodeposited from a non-pH-adjusted solution Non-natural amino acids into LfcinB-derived peptides: effect in their (i) proteolytic degradation and (ii) cytotoxic activity against cancer cells Role of time-dependent foreign molecules bonding in the degradation mechanism of polymer field-effect transistors in ambient conditions Copper-doped ZnO-ZrO2 solid solution catalysts for promoting methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation A Cu2+ triggered reversible photochromic system: the structure photochromic response relationship study and potential applications Study on preparation and sintering properties of nano-silver-coated tin slurry Secondary ion mass spectrometry, a powerful tool for revealing ink formulations and animal skins in medieval manuscripts Revisiting the HO●-initiated oxidation of L-proline amino acid in the aqueous phase: influence of transition metal ions Boosting efficiency of eco-friendly perovskite solar cell through optimization of novel charge transport layers *Computer science and artificial intelligence Adaptive assistive robotics: a framework for triadic collaboration between humans and robots General intelligence requires rethinking exploration *Earth and environmental science Rearing in strontium-enriched water induces vaterite otoliths in the Japanese rice fish, Oryzias latipes New evidence for the antiquity of Desmostylus (Desmostylia) from the Skooner Gulch Formation of California Osteohistology reveals the smallest adult Jurassic sauropodomorph *Ecology, conservation and global change biology A glimpse into the foraging and movement behaviour of Nyctalus aviator; a complementary study by acoustic recording and GPS tracking Fine-scale intraspecific niche partitioning in a highly mobile, marine megafauna species: implications for ecology and conservation ViewShedR: a new open-source tool for cumulative, subtractive and elevated line-of-sight analysis Characteristic features of statistical models and machine learning methods derived from pest and disease monitoring datasets Exploring subcolony differences in foraging and reproductive success: the influence of environmental conditions on a central place foraging seabird A secure future? Human urban and agricultural land use benefits a flightless island-endemic rail despite climate change Complex relationships between climate and reproduction in a resident montane bird Variation in foraging activity influences area-restricted search behaviour by bottlenose dolphins *Engineering Evaluation of a portable retinal imaging device: towards a comparative quantitative analysis for morphological measurements of retinal blood vessels *Genetics and genomics The genome of the reef-building glass sponge Aphrocallistes vastus provides insights into silica biomineralization Recent advances and future challenges in gene therapy for hearing loss *Mathematics Capturing synchronization with complexity measure of ordinal pattern transition network constructed by crossplot Brood size in an uncertain world Link updating strategies influence consensus decisions as a function of the direction of communication *Organismal and evolutionary biology Low hybridization temperatures improve target capture success of invertebrate loci: a case study of leaf-footed bugs (Hemiptera: Coreoidea) Hummingbird ingestion of low-concentration ethanol within artificial nectar Signal detection models as contextual bandits Rapamycin supplementation of Drosophila melanogaster larvae results in less viable adults with smaller cells ‘Do I know you?’ Categorizing individuals on the basis of familiarity in kea (Nestor notabilis) Hipparion tracks and horses' toes: the evolution of the equid single hoof Three-dimensional volumetric muscle reconstruction of the Australopithecus afarensis pelvis and limb, with estimations of limb leverage Intraspecific variation for host immune activation by the spider mite Tetranychus evansi Environmental and molecular regulation of asexual reproduction in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis Unexpected colour pattern variation in mimetic frogs: implication for the diversification of warning signals in the genus Ranitomeya Body size of fungus-growing termites infers on the volume and density of their fungal cultivar *Physics and biophysics Hydrodynamic interactions between squirmers near walls: far-field dynamics and near-field cluster stability A surface plasmon resonance nanostructure containing graphene and BaTiO3 layers for sensitive defection of organic compounds The physics of dancing peanuts in beer *Psychology and cognitive neuroscience Semantic interference affects speech production by increasing disfluencies, not errors Agent-based models of the cultural evolution of occupational gender roles A very public replication of the temporal pattern to people's regrets Can monetary incentives overturn fairness-based decisions? The evasive truth: do mere exposures at the subliminal and supraliminal levels drive the illusory truth effect? Predicting and reasoning about replicability using structured groups Waiting and walking with strangers: a socio-psychological pedestrian experiment on joint action in anonymous situations Avoidance-motivational intensity modulated the effect of negative emotion on working memory Learning artificial number symbols with ordinal and magnitude information How to build up big team science: a practical guide for large-scale collaborations *Science, society and policy Political repression motivates anti-government violence |
En ligne : | https://royalsocietypublishing.org/toc/rsos/2023/10/6 |